The history of POST Luxembourg - POSTGroup
The history of POST Luxembourg
Discover the history of POST Luxembourg since the creation of the « Administration des Postes » in 1842 until today.

Learn about our history
POST Luxembourg dates back to the 18th century. Take a look at POST's milestones in our timeline.
Foundation of the Postal Administration

Issue of the first postage stamp

Foundation of the Telegraph Administration

Luxembourg is a founding member of the Universal Postal Union

Installation of the first telephones

Law on telegraph and telephone services

First telephone connections with a foreign country (Belgium)
Foundation of the ‘Association des fonctionnaires moyens de la Poste' (Association of mid-level civil servants in the Postal service)
Foundation of the 'Association des facteurs' (Association of Postmen)

The first post office car goes into service

Introduction of cheques and postal order services

The City of Luxembourg's network is equipped with an automatic switchboard
First airmail service

Law on radio stations
The Luxembourg Post Office ceased to exist on 24 April 1941. It was fully integrated into the "Reichspost" until September 1944
On Sunday 30 August 1942, Gauleiter Simon made public the decree imposing compulsory military service in the Wehrmacht on the Luxembourg classes from 1920 to 1924.
Foundation of the « Amicale des P. et T.”

Work to refurbish telecommunications facilities after the Second World War continued until 1949

Launch of the “Renseignements” service
Work to fully automate the telephone network, which no longer required the intervention of an operator, was completed in 1963

Dawn of the satellite communication era

Opening of the Postal Centre at Luxembourg's railway station

Introduction of radiotelephony

Start of digital transmission and switching
Implementation of the postcode system
The first Postomat is brought into service

The coaxial cable between Luxembourg and Esch-s-Alzette is operational
Fibre-optic cables between Luxembourg and Germany (FRG) are operational
Foundation of the P&T Trade Union

Launch of the postal courier service
Introduction of the VISA card

First card-operated phone boxes

Law founding the ‘POST Luxembourg' (Postal and Telecommunications Company)

Launch of the LUXGSM mobile telephone service

Launch of the Business Post service
First ISDN connections

First internet access and introduction of the first internet services to the general public

Launch of Cube Internet
First edition of Postlaf

Law on telecommunications
Launch of I-Mail product
P&T partners Luxembourg's presidency of the EU (2nd quarter)
Launch of the prepaid TIPTOP card

Launch of the ‘Post Enveloppe'

First miniCASH phone boxes
Law on postal services and financial postal services
First self-adhesive postage stamp

Launch of the CCP Connect e-banking service

Postal alliance with TPG/TNT

Commercial launch of LuxDSL

First postage stamps issued solely in Euros

Commercial launch of LUXGSM's GPRS service

150th anniversary of the first Luxembourg postage stamp

First call and launch of UMTS network

New and more ergonomic version of CCP Connect e-banking service
P&T partners Luxembourg's presidency of the EU (1st quarter)
Launch of the 'All in 1' INTEGRAL package

Launch of the Blackberry service - first Wi-Fi hotspots
Opening of the regional postal distribution centre in Remich

Launch of the '' service (personalised cards and stamps)

Opening of the postal sorting centre in Bettembourg

Launch of the international TERALINK broadband network

Launch of the new postal courier service
Inauguration of the third P&T-ebrc Data Centre in Windhof

Launch of LUXGSM's new mobile plan Relax
Launch of the PackUp parcel collection service

Launch of the My Cash withdrawal card

Launch of the pilot project IPTV – “La Télé des P&T”

Commercial launch of the digital television service IPTV 'Tële vun der Post'

Introduction of the LuxTrust certificate to access CCP Connect, the P&T e-banking service

POST becomes sole shareholder of its subsidiary LUXGSM S.A., the national leader in mobile telephony

Launch of the 'Video on Demand' function of the 'Tële vun der Post' service

P&T subsidiary LUXGSM begins marketing the iPhone 3G

Launch of LU-CIX, the new commercial internet exchange point for Luxembourg, in cooperation with P&T
POST becomes the sole shareholder of its subsidiary EBRC S.A.

P&T enters into a partnership agreement with a major French car manufacturer for the development of 'e-call' telematics car services in Europe

P&T and the University of Luxembourg enter into a partnership for new technologies

TERALINK, P&T's international high-speed network, establishes the quickest link between Luxembourg and Frankfurt
Opening of the fourth P&T-ebrc Data Centre in Kayl

Sale of postage stamps through its ATMs (a first in Europe)

“La Télé des P&T” introduces Sky 3D - the first channel broadcast in 3D
P&T celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Postal Cheque Account (CCP)

Official introduction of the P&T Capital subsidiary - P&T's investment vehicle
P&T and Luxembourg e-Archiving S.A. (Learch) announce a strategic partnership in the area of third-party archiving of electronic documents
Launch of the 'LuxFibre' ultra high-speed internet service in the town of Leudelange

Launch of the Pack Up 24/24 automatic parcel dispensers (which complement the Pack Up network)

Opening of the 5th P&T-ebrc Data Centre in Betzdorf

P&T hosts the 1st 'Journée de l'Espace' (Space Day), organised by the GLAE (Groupement de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace, Aeronautics and Space Association)
P&T obtains the 'Gold' certification from DGNB (Deutsche Gesellschaft für nachhaltiges Bauen, German Association for Sustainable Building) for its administrative centre in Kayl

POST Luxembourg introduced its new visual identity and commercial name

POST exhibited 50 works of art by Luxembourgish artists from its collection in the Ratskeller at the Cercle-Cité in Luxembourg
POST Courrier introduced the automated SelfPost allowing customers to frank mail and packages themselves

POST Finance launched the Digicash application
POST Telecom connected 10,000 residential buildings to its fibre-optic network
POST Telecom launched its ultra high-speed package of up to 1 Gbit/s and improved the overall speed of the existing LuxFibre package

POST Telecom added 7 new HD channels to its PostTV package, introduced the PostTV Pilot application and completely revamped the VoD catalogue
POST Telecom launched its 4G packages

POST Finance launches the CCP Mobile app which allows customers to manage their accounts wherever and whenever they want

The Group POST Luxembourg is the first company in Luxembourg to obtain certification in accordance with the G4 methodology of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)

POST Courrier has provided their customers with free WiFi access in every large post office

POST Telecom launches the new mobile service SCOUBIDO which allows customers to create their mobile plan according to their own needs

POST Telecom has opened 2 Business Corners for self-employed individuals and SMEs/SMIs at the Cloche d’Or and in Ettelbruck
POST Courrier launches a new simplified pricing system for the dispatch of letters and parcels as well as a new range of postal products (PostPack, FollowMe and Ready2Post)

POST Courrier announces a partnership with the Cactus group which allows customers to carry out their postal operations at the same time as their shopping in one of the sales outlets, called Point POST

POST becomes the sole shareholder of its subsidiary Editus Luxembourg S.A. The leader in local search in Luxembourg and the leading database company in the Grand Duchy, Editus has been connecting individuals and professionals for over 40 years

POST Telecom activates at the start of 2015 the millionth SIM card on a vehicle of a French automotive group, incorporating the eCall system

POST Telecom launches the MyPost web application which allows users to track their mobile consumption and activate and deactivate options as part of the SCOUBIDO mobile flat rate

POST Telecom further develops its mobile offering by providing Roaming for all the flat rates of the new SCOUBIDO

POST Telecom unveils its new international brand TERALINK Solutions which provides services in the fields of Cloud & ICT, M2M & IoT, Media Services, Security and Connectivity

POST Telecom and deploy the ultra-narrow, long-distance SIGFOX network across the whole of Luxembourg which provides connectivity to the IoT and M2M communications
The administrative board of POST Luxembourg gives its backing to a future model for CCP accounts in partnership with Raiffeisen Bank

Launch of the mobile app Smart PostCard

RENITA (Réseau National Intégré de Radiocommunication) switches from test to operating mode

Launch of the new PostPack packagings

Launch of the contactless VISA card

POST becomes sole shareholder of its subsidiary InTech S.A. InTech is a digital services company specialising in consulting and the development of specific software solutions

POST is awarded with the FTTH Council Europe Award for its achievements in FTTH expansion

The legal name Entreprise des Postes et Télécommunications is replaced by POST Luxembourg for all its activities

Launch of PackUp Home

Launch of the TV, Internet and Landline Telephone package BAMBOO

Launch of the new decoder generation of PostTV

3D Secure, which provides extended security for online purchases with VISA cards, is introduced

Partnership with Signapore Post

Issue of a series of three stamps on Luxembourg's new signature

POST Luxembourg celebrates 175 years of the Administration des Postes et Télécommunications and 25 years of the public company

POST becomes sole shareholder of its subsidiary Victor Buck Services S.A. Victor Buck Services specialises in the distribution and archiving of confidential information on paper or in electronic format for the financial industry in Europe

POST Telecom S.A. and POST Telecom PSF S.A. merge

POST Luxembourg inaugurates its new Mercier headquarters in Luxembourg-gare

POST Courrier signs a partnership contract with DHL Express for the dispatch of parcels and documents

POST Luxembourg acquires a minority stake in start-up Eurosender Ltd, the leading digital platform for booking logistics services in Europe

POST Telecom launches VoLTE and WiFi-Calling technologies

POST Telecom launches ConnectedOffice, the new offering of network, fixed telephony, Internet and ICT services for SMEs

POST Luxembourg opens the first two Espace POST in Luxembourg-gare and in a shopping centre in Marnach

POST Luxembourg launches the educational initiative Post4Kids which is mainly aimed at children from 3 to 14 years old with the aim of making them discover the professions and services of POST as well as the technologies used

Work begins on POST's future headquarters, the HELIX building

Two new Espaces POST open their doors in Luxembourg City and Dudelange

Launch of the MyPost Telecom mobile application

POST moves its logistics activities to Findel

POST is part of the 5GCroCo consortium, selected by the European Union, to carry out tests with autonomous cars in the cross-border area between Luxembourg, France and Germany

Inauguration of the new logistics centre in Roost, dedicated to telecoms infrastructure

POST becomes the sole shareholder of its subsidiary Michel Greco S.A. Michel Greco S.A. specialises in the delivery and transport of express and small letter items and offers its customers a wide range of customised services

Creation of a CyberForce team combining the expertise of POST and EBRC
100 PackUp 24/24 stations passed

Creation of the i-Hub subsidiary, which enables continuous management of updates, periodic reviews, risk scoring and the filtering of the names of individuals and legal entities, in accordance with each professional's own approach to risk

For the first time, a limited edition PostPack - the LëtzBox - is dedicated to a Luxembourg artist: Alain Welter

Acquisition of 100% of shares in Elgon & Ainos. Elgon provides concrete answers to its customers' digital transformation challenges, in terms of both business and technology. Ainos is an IT company specialising in the development of digital and business intelligence solutions

POST is responsible for preparing and sending more than 610,000 masks to the residents of Luxembourg City

At the request of the government, POST takes part in the opening of an online ordering service,, in just three days

POST introduces the eSIM card, enabling customers to manage several mobile phone plans on a single smartphone

POST launches the first league dedicated to e-sports in Luxembourg and the Greater Region: the POST Esports Masters

Launch of WIFI POWER, a powerful and secure home wifi solution

POST is the first mobile operator to launch 5G in Luxembourg, in the capital and other pilot areas

Launch of eboo, POST Finance's new ebanking application

1,600 items of old clothing are recycled, representing 700 - 1,000 kg of clothing recovered each year

POST celebrates the "bouquet party" for HELIX, its future headquarters at Place de la Gare in Luxembourg, marking the completion of the structural work

POST Philately receives the "Asiago International Philatelic Art Prize" in Italy for its stamps dedicated to rural tourism

Start of EXPO 2020 DUBAI, for which POST made a financial contribution to the Luxembourg pavilion

POST unveils "NEXT", a unique space promoting creativity and innovation

POST installs a second array of photovoltaic panels on the roof of the Roost logistics centre, with an annual output of 480 MWh, equivalent to the needs of 115 households

Official opening of the four new Espace POST in Luxembourg City, Remich, Kirchberg and Esch-Belval

POST launches its new eboo banking service for private and business customers. The new offer is accompanied by the end of free accounts and a simplification of the financial services fee structure

POST is joining the one-stop-shop approach and extending its solidarity actions in favour of refugees from Ukraine with aid in the form of free mobile subscriptions, as well as the provision, free of charge, of a bank account and a payment card

POST inaugurates its first virtual point of sale in Luxembourg Megaverse, a 100% virtual world

The 850 employees who have been based in the Mercier building since 2017 gradually move into the new HELIX headquarters at Luxembourg-Gare

Introduction of the new green and gold Visa cards made from recycled plastic or corn-based bio-sourced plastic

Opening of the Espace POST Luxembourg-Gare in the new HELIX headquarters building

POST upgrades its eboo banking offer with the "Pack eboo S" youth pack free of charge and the "Pack Club" for professional customers

Introduction of a new PostTV interface

Official inauguration of POST's new headquarters, the HELIX building, at Luxembourg-Gare

POST, Cactus, CFL and RTL join forces to create LuxID, a digital identity solution

Partnership with Airbus to provide Agnet to critical communications market in Luxembourg

Introduction of the electronic registered mail service

Launch of Luxembourg's first crypto-stamp

POST is the first and only mobile service provider in Europe to offer Apple-certified and Apple-authorised repairs for iPhone, iPad, AirPods and Apple Pencil products directly in-house, without recourse to subcontractors

POST and Amazon launch the integration of POST Luxembourg's network of PackUp 24/24 stations and points of sale for the collection of Amazon orders

POST Luxembourg is organising the "IV SEASONS" exhibition at its HELIX headquarters to pay tribute to the late artist Armand Strainchamps

Launch of the new POP telecom bundle, combining Mobile and Internet, with or without TV

POST participates in the 'Positive Actions' programme developed by the Ministry of Gender Equality and Diversity (MEGA) to support companies in creating good practices to pave the way for an inclusive economy and egalitarian society

Launch of new PostPack packaging specifically designed for multiple use, for a more responsible commitment

POST creates DEEP, a new unit that brings together the expertise of the Group's telecoms and ICT activities. DEEP offers its business customers a comprehensive portfolio of telecoms and ICT services and solutions. The new unit brings together the expertise of four subsidiaries: EBRC, Elgon, Digora Luxembourg and the B2B activities of POST Telecom

Ericsson integrates POST Luxembourg's Signalling Intrusion Detection System into its signalling security offering

The POP TV Go application is now also available on PC and Mac via the browser at

150 PackUp 24/24 stations reached

On Sunday 30 August 1942, Gauleiter Simon made public the decree imposing compulsory military service in the Wehrmacht on the Luxembourg classes from 1920 to 1924. Launched by the trade unions and resistance movements, a strike against the forced conscription of some 15,000 Luxembourgers by the Nazi occupiers began in Wiltz and spread to the capital and the south of the country. Postmen Nicky Konz and Jean Schroeder, both aged 28, were the first to be arrested in Luxembourg City. Following this revolt, death sentences were handed down by the special courts, followed by immediate executions. Apart from the two postal workers, who were executed on 3 and 4 September 1942 in the Hinzert concentration camp, 9 postal workers who, along with many others, had gone on strike at the central post office in Luxembourg City, were brought before the Standgericht and sentenced to various penalties, along with 37 other striking Luxembourgers. A total of 22 postal workers were deported to concentration camps, 6 of whom were killed. 10 other postal workers were imprisoned, 2 of whom lost their lives.
POST becomes the sole shareholder of its subsidiary EBRC S.A. A European specialist in ICT solutions, EBRC responds to the challenges of information management and sensitive infrastructures with a Trusted offering: Trusted Data Centres Services, Trusted Cloud Europe Services, Trusted Managed Services, Trusted Resilience Services and Trusted Advisory Services
Supplier Code of Conduct
The Procurement Department has developed a code of conduct to promote purchasing and subcontracting in line with POST Luxembourg's CSR approach.
View the Annual Report
Discover how POST creates value for all our stakeholders and Luxembourg, as well as the CSR approach that is embedded in all our activities.